Wraxalls Bio-diverse Roofing Substrate

Used for roofs designed to be ‘brown’ or self-populating. Type B1 Mix can be used where diverse habitats are required. The B1 mix contains crushed brick and blended topsoil. Organic compost can be included if required.

For a pure brown roof the substrate can be left to self-colonise, or alternatively can be sown with seed gathered from local flora. The roof can be divided to form micro-environments by varying the proportions of expanded clay, gravel and topsoil to maximise the possibility for biodiversity.

See also Wraxalls Semi-Intensive Green Roof Substrate Type 0+ and Wraxalls Extensive Green Roof Substrate Type E1.

Bagged in Wraxalls one tonne bags. Containing a full tonne.

Wraxalls are associate members of the Green Roof Organisation, part of the National Federation of Flat Roofing Contractors, Ltd.